A Work of Heart

A Work of Heart

We happened to set our music bags down a row apart. Rehearsal wouldn’t start for another ten minutes, so we chatted about the weather, the holidays, the typical what-fills-our-days chatter. Imagine our surprise and delight when

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
The grace to stand firm

The grace to stand firm

Have you ever been sailing? The experience is vastly different from a speed boat or pontoon. First, sailboats are quieter because they rely on wind power. And second – if it’s a good sailing day –

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
Top 13 Grace Quotes

Top 13 Grace Quotes

What is the one thing that separates Christianity from every other religion? Grace!

Grace is the good news a weary, fallen world desperately needs. Grace is what God’s unchanging love looks like. Grace is what makes Christianity beautiful and possible and livable.

I am obsessed with grace

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
A Call to Be Fully Known

A Call to Be Fully Known

Dear Friend,

This month I retreated. (Not the pull-back-from-the-fight kind . . . the escape-to-the-mountains-with-Jesus kind. Words are fun, aren't they?)

One thing I was reminded of by fabulous women who joined me is people don't always know what goes on inside us.

Seems pretty obvious, right? While some truths about us might be crystal clear in our hearts, what if the person in front of us hasn't met that piece yet? What if we've never had occasion to tell them? Or maybe they haven't known what to look for?

And it got me thinkin'...which led to a very interesting question....

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
Trusting Jesus with Our Real Selves

Trusting Jesus with Our Real Selves

I never imagined being a writer. But I am a lover of words. I can’t help scooting to the edge of my seat when you share a story. And I’ve never lost that twinge of excitement that comes from opening to the first page of a book I can't wait to read.

Recently I re-found a book I read a decade ago, when I began writing, called Writing Down the Bones.

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
The Joyful Dance of Freedom

The Joyful Dance of Freedom

She looked at me so strangely I wondered what she could possibly be thinking. So I waited as she stared at me with full eyes, as if her whole soul were gathered right there looking out the “windows.”

Then she said,

“You know, one thing I can’t get over this whole weekend is that you are so full of the joy of the Lord.
It flows from you and is so evident. You don’t see that very often, and it’s a beautiful thing.”

Whatever I thought was coming, I never expected that!

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
The Power of a Name

The Power of a Name

Have you noticed your ears perk at your name? It could be a noisy space, but if your friend hollers your name, somehow your ears tune into that specific sound.

A name is a powerful thing. It tells something about you and becomes a piece of self definition as few other things can.

Maybe you love your name. Or maybe you commiserate with the Christian writer, Frederick Buechner? Poor Mr. Buechner (pronounced “beek-ner”) confessed...

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
Whispers of Love

Whispers of Love

Have you ever stopped to listen to your home?

Maybe you pause in the middle of dinner prep and suddenly the “simple sounds of life” grow loud in your ears: the fridge humming, your teen walking upstairs, the microwave whirring, the neighbor’s car door, a cheerful bird in the tree outside, the puppy scratching his bed to get comfy, your hubby opening the garage door…. Sounds of home.

Our hearts need little reminders of God’s love too.

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
The Best Yes Possible

The Best Yes Possible

What’s the best “yes” you’ve ever received?

Official approval on the house you're buying?
A job or promotion you really wanted?
That friend agreeing to go on an epic trip with you?
Acceptance into a special group or community?
An opportunity you dreamed of finally happening?

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
Reflections for the New Year

Reflections for the New Year

How did this last year affect your soul?

The passing of a year beckons us to pause and reflect. As we glance back, do we notice places God was up to something? What do we hope and pray for the new year ahead?

Maybe last year was a rough season and we sense Jesus calling us to rest. Maybe we anticipate change and know He’s asking us to step out in faith. Or maybe we're unclear on what lies ahead.

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
Simple Moments with Jesus This Season

Simple Moments with Jesus This Season

As the holidays grow busy, we can feel pulled in many directions. Events, family, gifts, gatherings, and traditions vie for our attention. One way to breathe calm into our souls during a hectic season is to look for simple moments with Jesus.

Simple moments are just that -- simple. They don't require much time or preparation. They can happen almost anywhere.

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
10 Encouraging Psalms of Thanksgiving & Praise

10 Encouraging Psalms of Thanksgiving & Praise

Growing up, we had a Thanksgiving tradition. After the turkey and stuffing, the green bean casserole, and the sweet potatoes with gooey marshmallows were set steaming on the table, we’d find our seats and join hands. Right before the prayer, my dad would ask each of us to share one thing we were thankful for.

In fact, my dad was good at carrying this gratitude tradition into the year too.  It might be a random Wednesday in February with the seven of us kids seated at the breakfast table, and dad would pause to ask each of us to share something we were thankful for that day. Usually, it was a quick and easy answer. "Friends." "Family." "New shoes." But if it happened to be a sleepy morning or your brother had stolen your bathroom time, you might not feel very thankful.

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything