grace changes everything

Grace for the Hard Days

Grace for the Hard Days

All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and let work and home and family fend for themselves. I’d had enough. If one more person needed one more thing, I was probably gonna lose it.

Some days are like that. (Like last Wednesday, for example.) Everything and everyone dances on your last nerve, and it’s all you can do to beg God to just help you hold your tongue.

“Janna, that’s not very godly!”

Yeah, it’s really not.

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
Wondrous Gift of Grace

Wondrous Gift of Grace

It's the most wonderful time of the year! A time of gifts and goodies, of friends and family, of stories and carols. A time to remember God's wondrous gifts of grace and retell the moment those gifts made a special place in our hearts. Here is a story of one such moment . . .

In the spring of 1865, a young preacher from Philadelphia gave a rousing tribute to a leader whose untimely death rocked our nation. But for all the honor of eulogizing an American president like Abraham Lincoln, these were not even the most famous words Reverend Phillips Brooks would pen!

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
We Can Stop Apologizing Now

We Can Stop Apologizing Now

As I flip through the pages of Real Simple (May 2019), I make it as far as pg 10, “The Editor’s Note,” where Leslie confesses she is a recovering chronic apologizer. Which is why she loves this issue’s essay feature: “Women on what they no longer apologize for.”

Color me intrigued! I flip to page 126 and read all seven articles, right in a row. Sweet confessions of women no longer apologizing for things like loving cats or hitting the snooze button or being vulnerable.

I’ve been a chronic apologizer for much of my life too. Many of us are.

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Posted by Janna Wright in Living in Freedom