new life in Christ

What’s New with You (an Easter letter)

What’s New with You (an Easter letter)

Dear Friend,

Happy Easter!

There’s a lot of talk of brokenness out there. Just crack the latest Christian book, turn on the radio, or stream a sermon. Recently in a prayer meeting, some Christian women I was with were discussing what a mess and how broken they are. The other women were nodding and “hmmm-ing” in agreement.

It sounds so godly, so humble.

But every time I hear this, I almost come out of my seat.

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
How to Live in Light of the Resurrection

How to Live in Light of the Resurrection

It was a gorgeous day – the kind of day that begs to be enjoyed. The sun shone brilliantly and all of the trees in the front yard beckoned in the breeze. This was the kind of perfect Saturday people pray for, and I’d been hoping for this day for a long time.

Oh, I had big plans–plans I’d been making for days. Plans to conquer and create. Plans to let the clock run unheeded. Plans to be outdoors from dawn to dusk. My eager anticipation had reached the epic heights only an 8-year-old mind can envision.

But sadly, on this oh-so-perfect day, instead of climbing trees and conquering imaginary foes, I was curled up on my favorite blanket in the hallway by the bathroom. Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Living in Freedom