all is grace

when life changes keys on you

when life changes keys on you

Sometimes you just don’t understand what God is doing. You think you’re going one direction, walking with Him, talking with Him, and all of a sudden He veers you off into a completely different place.

Me, I sit there for a while kinda dazed, thinking, “But, I thought we were doing that over there, Poppa. What’s up with this here?”

I imagine He chuckles a little Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
because we all need a duty break now & then

because we all need a duty break now & then

Not many days ago I stumbled upon several grownups engrossed in childlike fun, and I asked myself why we don’t do that more.

Why we don’t break away from daily duty to enjoy life more?

The first was a grown man flying a red triangle kit at the park. The kite was enormous – at least three or four feet across – but flying so high it was only the size of a quarter held at arm’s length in the blue CO sky. (I know because I held my arm up to measure.) Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything