When you finally turn off the lamp at night and snuggle under the covers with a sigh, how do you measure the value of your day?
Often we use worn-out measuring sticks to gauge our success. We might hold up a ruler that says “what I accomplished” or “how I helped others” or “where I served Jesus.” We squint at our measuring stick, hoping it will show us how well we’re doing . . . worried it might prove we fell short.
But what if life in grace means doing away with old measuring sticks?
Economy of grace
One of the precious truths of grace is:
That means we don’t have to trust a worn-out measuring stick to tell us how we're doing. We can trust what God says about us instead!
Grace has no need for measuring sticks. But if there did happen to be one, the only thing written there would be:
You are a precious new creation, pleasing and acceptable to God through Christ.
(Romans 5:17; 2 Corinthians 5:17)
New way to measure success
So how do we break free of the old measuring stick habit?
One way is to see each day as a fresh beginning. We’ve never lived today before—it’s a brand new day with Jesus! None of yesterday’s mess-ups, disappointments, or yucky stuff needs a place in this day.
- Today God loves you like you’ve never made a mistake.
- Today God offers His immeasurable strength for everything you face.
- Today God smiles when He thinks of you.
- Today God has a fresh plan and possibilities ready for you.
- Today God absolutely delights in you.
Our new day example
Our Heavenly Father has even set the example for brand new days:
But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:21-23 (ESV)
Even if yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, you could not exhaust God’s love and faithfulness. He has a fresh supply waiting for you this morning. Today is a brand, new day!
Enjoy a new beginning on this fresh, new day. Throw out the old measuring sticks and let Jesus fill your heart with hope as He keeps you firmly planted in His matchless grace.
Prayer for today
Dear Poppa, thank you for the gift of a brand, new day. I'm so glad You are right here with me. And I'm so grateful that yesterday’s stuff doesn’t have to cloud today! Help me to sense Your unending presence and unfailing strength. May I walk with You, receiving the love and grace you so generously give, as we face today together. Amen.

Journal & Reflection questions:
- What possibility is God showing me today?
- Where does God want me to trust Him specifically today?
- If I believe I’m unconditionally loved by God today, how does that alter my outlook?
Free Resource
For an ongoing reminder of this precious grace truth, download a free phone wallpaper! This freebie is part of the new Growing in Grace Resource Library, which Grace Thread subscribers have exclusive access to. Click the image to sign up. (Or check the latest newsletter for the password.)
Thanks for these words. Sent to me from God through you.
Love the way He does that! 🙂 He’s such a personal God.
Thank you I so needed to hear that , the new day example is great to look at each day , I’ll be using that each day 😊
I have so much going on at the moment I needed the reminder . How perfect Gods timing is 😊
His timing IS perfect! And I love how He reminds us of His precious truth when we need it most.